CEREC by Sirona offers our patients the option to have crowns fabricated in our office in just one dental visit.
Through the utilization of the CEREC Bluecam/Omnicam 3D digital camera, we are able to take a digital scan of your tooth, eliminating the need for traditional impressions thus increasing patient comfort. After our digital scan is completed, we design your new crown and mill it out of porcelain with our CEREC AC units.
Patients can watch as their new crown is designed on a computer and milled in our lab.
Reasons for treatment
When a tooth has suffered extensive damage due to tooth decay, fracture, or endodontic therapy, a crown is the strongest long-term choice for tooth restoration.
Composite restorations are tooth colored fillings. Composite fillings provide good durability and resistance to fracture in small-to-mid size restorations that need to withstand moderate chewing pressure. When preparing a tooth for a composite, removal of less tooth structure occurs than the preparation for an amalgam filling, resulting in the conservation of more natural tooth structure with an optimal esthetic result.
A dental implant is a titanium cylinder that replaces the roots of missing tooth.
Implant therapy is generally a three-part process that takes place over several months. Once the titanium cylinder osseo-integrates into the bone, an abutment is placed on top of the implant. A new crown is then fabricated on top of the abutment. This interlocking system finalizes the replacement of the missing tooth. Implant crowns act as an individual tooth, and with proper oral hygiene care, can last a lifetime.
Dental inlays and onlays fit the tooth to replace lost tooth structure when the loss of tooth structure does not require the support of a full coverage crown. We fabricate inlays and onlays in the office in one visit utilizing our CEREC AC machine. With dental inlays and onlays, the doctor is able to place a strong, long-term restoration while conserving more tooth structure than a crown.
A water assisted or diode laser is used for removal of soft tissue in the mouth.
Inside every tooth is a bundle that consists of a nerve and blood supply, commonly known as the pulp. When damage to the pulp of a tooth occurs by deep tooth decay, infection, or tooth fracture, the pulpal system begins to die. When this occurs, we conduct root canal therapy to remove the diseased or infected pulp from the tooth in order to eliminate current or future pain and infection.
An endodontically treated tooth is no longer vital, therefore structurally weakened. A post and core or a core buildup as well as a crown may be necessary in order to rebuild the tooth for proper function and longevity. Most of the time, a root canal is a relatively straightforward procedure with little or no discomfort involving one to two visits.

Cleanings & Exams, Fluoride Treatment, Oral Cancer Exam, Sealants and X-Rays
Prevention is key to maintaining oral health through radiographs, prophylaxis and periodic examinations.

CEREC Crowns, Dental Veneers, Invisalign and Tooth Whitening
Through advanced training, our dentists will provide a beautiful smile that boosts confidence.

First “Happy” Visit, Fluoride Treatment and Sealants
We offer “Happy Visits” for children under 3 year olds. Early dental care in a comfortable atmosphere will make your child’s routine and restorative care the most favorable experience!

Antibiotic Therapy & Pocket Irrigation and Scaling & Root Planing
Periodontal disease, when not properly treated and maintained, is one of the leading causes of tooth loss and is linked to many other systemic problems. Our hygienists are equipped with the latest in non-surgical periodontal therapy techniques.

Dentures & Partial Dentures, Extractions & Bone grafting, Implants & Implant Crowns, Occlusal Guards and Somnomed
Replacement of missing teeth is important for proper function, digestion and your mouth’s occlusion. We also have mouth appliances that will help your mouth and overall health.
We understand that your smile affects your self-image, and can greatly influence the quality of your interactions with others. Many people hold back from laughing or smiling because they are uncomfortable with their smile. We intend to help.